Date: Fri, 21 Oct 94 04:30:01 PDT From: Packet-Radio Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Packet-Radio-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Packet-Radio@UCSD.Edu Precedence: List Subject: Packet-Radio Digest V94 #77 To: packet-radio Packet-Radio Digest Fri, 21 Oct 94 Volume 94 : Issue 77 Today's Topics: Off the BBS system Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Packet-Radio Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/packet-radio". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 20 Oct 94 23:11:01 GMT From: w5robert@blkbox.COM (Robert Wood) Subject: Off the BBS system Maybe something here to get some thread going:: I found this interesting report and flame on the local BBS:: ''''''' From: K7WWA@K7WWA.#NOCAL.CA.USA.NOAM To : INFO@ALLUS *** FLAME ON *** I think this needs to be shared. *** AB6GQ was licensed on 2 Jul 1991. He is now an Amateur Extra (?). He *** sure must think his is something if he really started this one. *** FLAME OFF Original from AB6GQ to SYSOP@NCPA Path: !KC6PJW!WX3K!WB0TAX!KA6EYH!KA6EYH!W6PW!KA6FUB!WA6RDH!KM6PX! From: AB6GQ@KM6PX.#NOCAL.CA.USA.NOAM To : SYSOP@NCPA Hello dedicated SYSOPs. My name is Fred Sober, and I am the Official Observer Coordinator for the Sacramento Valley Section of the ARRL. I am sending this bulletin at the suggestion of some of the local BBS SYSOPs, who thought you should be aware of the following info: Approximately one year ago, I initiated a series of correspondance with John B. Johnson, Chief of the Private Radio Bureau of the FCC. Due to the confusion of Amateur Radio Packet BBS users regarding the permissible message content of bulletins, and the growing tendency to abuse the system, we requested FCC clarification regarding the definition of "One-Way Bulletins" and "Bulletin Message Content" as it specifically applied to Amateur Packet Radio. The position of the FCC is as follows: 1. Any packet message or bulletin sent to ANYTHING other than another specific Amateur Callsign (EXCLUDING the callsign of the BBS) is considered to be a "One-Way Bulletin," and as such must comply with Part 97 in terms of permissible message content for such bulletins. Also stated was the definition of "anything" (above), which is such addressing as to ALL, ALLUS, ALLCA, Food, Drugs, Guns, or anything else, other than another specific amateur callsign. 2. The information sent MUST NOT BE INTENDED for anyone but other licensed Amateur. "Intent" is determined by "Message Content," not by the mental intent of the message originator. 3. The Information sent MUST BE RELATED TO, AND OF INTEREST TO AMATEUR RADIO OPERATORS ONLY! 4. Any Packet Bulletin which contains material which relates to anything not directly related to amateur radio, or of interest to amateur radio operators only, is considered to be "Broadcasting." This includes material on Cars, Guns, Politics, Food, Jokes, Current Events, etc. etc. etc. In the above listing the emphasis was supplied by the FCC in the letter I have on file. For further clarification you may refer to the "FCC Rule Book" published by the ARRL, (1993 Edition). On Pages 6-6 and 6-7 the topic of information bulletins on packet radio is discussed. The highlighted section in the box is a paraphrase of the letters I have on file from the FCC. Upon notifying the ARRL Rules Department of this Clarification, they made the determination that the abuses in this regard were] so widely spread and prevalent, that the League and the Official Observers needed to undertake an educational effort regarding this ruling, prior to beginning a notification effort on the individual offenders. This would prevent an overwhelming overload of the OO Program. Some BBS SYSOPS, such as KM6PX, upon learning of this clarification voluntarily and unilaterally decided to set the clarified standards as the operating standard for their BBS's. They began editing and deleting any bulletin traffic which did not comply with the above. Technically, with the latest rulings by the FCC, the BBS SYSOP is jointly responsible for violations of Part 97, by operators which originate a bulletin through their BBS into the system. Technically, the FCC can at any time begin issuing NAL's to the Operators and SYSOPS for any bulletins in violation of the above. Practically, I do not know when the OO Notices and NAL's may start being issued, but it behooves you as a BBS SYSOP to be aware of the current rulings and facts, and hopefully to be in compliance prior to any notification or enforcement actions being taken. 73, keep up the good work! Fred Sober, AB6GQ *** Yes, Fred, keep up the good work. I'm glad that you are doing all that you *** can to make Amateur radio packet boring. *** 73 George K7WWA @ K7WWA.#NOCAL.CA.USA.NOAM -- 73 Robert ------------------------------ End of Packet-Radio Digest V94 #77 ******************************